On the lines of Shaykh Tauqeer (talk on character building).

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Allah says in the Quran “Every soul shall taste death. You shall receive your full reward for everything which you have striven for, on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is spared from the fire and is admitted into paradise will have attained the objective of this worldly life; for the life of this world is nothing but an illusory enjoyment.
-(surah 3: verse 185).”

We often stumble upon answering what is life?? For most of us it is a journey , a process of life and death, people also call life a game, some like most of us never find words to truly describe what life to us is.

In the talks of my teacher at @nurulilm academy I have understood a concept of life that my teachers taught me, and why wouldnt I ? I ask myself, for my teachers convey the word of Allah like nobody ever could.

Allah says that LIFE IS A TEST. More likely a series of test that all begin and end with a purpose. Each of us facing these tests according to our capability of blessings and some of us complicating these tests to be more difficult than they already are.

Speaking of Purpose, the ayah above mentions the purpose of life.

Purpose (as google defines it) is :

  •  1.The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
  • 2. A person’s sense of resolve or determination.


Allah mentions that the purpose of life is death and we will all return to him.

We all live, and one day we all die.

There is nothing alive or created that can stop one from facing death, therefore there are two things we must all remember in order to achieve our days to the fullest,

  • Firstly, we must all prepare for death.
  • Secondly, Surely until death comes we will all be tested with the good and bad.

These are the sole ingredients that are to be kept in mind no matter how difficult our situations get; at one point we must remember that no matter what a situation either good or bad will not last forever.

The good thing about bad days are that they do not stay forever and the bad thing about good days are that they do not last forever too.

It is for us to understand that Allah keeps changing days upon people, while on some days you can feel your closest person feel extremely happy and on the other hand another friend may be going through the worst we could ever imagine. Some people are blessed with wealth and spend it all on trying to be Healthy, while there are those who have good health and spend health on making good Wealth.


This complexity shows us clearly that what we posses, what we have for us now, is our test, what you have can never be equal to what someone else has and that is your test.

It is so often as a practice of this world, that ever since childhood we are given the same question papers at any test or examination that we have failed to find clarity in this Question paper of our life. Though we were always given separate desks and chairs to answer the same questions and scored very differently from one another. As we turn into a larger reality called Life, we have to understand that everything we have the good and bad, the blessing and everything that is missing, the good wealth and terrible health, money yet no comfort, happiness yet no satisfaction. all of it is our personal question paper, we prepare with only one key : The Help of Almighty.


Amidst these tests, there are some/most/all of us who often tend to fall into the (ah yes ! finally he is here :/..) traps of shaitaan.

When we become weak at facing these challenging tests even after knowing the right answers. We tend to use the wrong answer, being blinded by his whisperings. We reach a point of guilt after doing what we were not supposed to do, the guilt, the regret, the confusion. At any exam we clearly focus, but the minute we loose focus, even at an exam we tend to do loose out on so much, doing all the silliest mistakes.

May Allah helps us truly understand our purpose and never let us loose Focus.

In order to know how to not loose focus we must always be connected to our Rabb, for starters, we should all begin to be thankful.

Allah (swt) says: “Take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run towards you.” Hadith Qudsi.

So lets walk towards him, with utmost purity for Fitnah is real, and we will all be judged according to our intentions.

When we have decided to do this let us clearly know what we are to do, for when we prepare we must give our best to have the best results.

Fitnah : is like a process in which raw gold is melted to a point where the impurity is removed and only pure gold is left.

That being the essence of every test you have ever faced in life. It is a process of segregating you according to your actions and intentions (that are your answers to your question paper). You either pass or you fail and however, even without you knowing you have started on the next test.

Allah wants to know that when he created us with love, given each one of us uniquely, what cannot match to anything another person has, he watches us to see if we are pure in knowing and caring, to bestow upon us his mercy on that one final day when we all will without any doubt return to him.

Allah says they will be tested to know if there is true Imaan in your hearts. A fact that came to the mankind thousands of years before we existed, a thing that will never be changed, it has never been stopped every one of those before us were definitely definitely tested according to what they were given.

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We all like them have been given a time period. A time period called life. In it a special mercy from the Rabb, the gift of tuaba, because he who created man, knows how weak man is. Repent now, and let go of what was not, there is more to life than what has gone by and just like whatever encaptures your heart from turning back to him, letting go of that will bring your heart to peace by returning it to its maker.

Allah will not leave the same situation for a believer, every single day has been a new date, never has it been recorded in all of the science of this world that two days have been the same date, if the date changes , so do your days and will your situation along with the test.

Allah says that nothing in this world is RANDOM, every action has an intention and every situation a purpose, in reality that purpose is the test of Allah. Warned are those blessed, for it is them who will be asked what have they done of their blessings unless they spend it carefully in a righteous manner.

Do not ever hope that randomly your character will change, randomly life will become beautiful , randomly every thing will become alright, randomly reading an Islamic post that tells us  Life is a test. It is not random that you read this post, it is only by the will of ALLAH and you as well as me are going to be tested in everything we know say or do.

So, Inshallah lets beautifully begin this scantified TEST on being filtered by Allah as he is the owner of all things, Rabb ul Alameen as he filtered the pure, whom he helps pass tests and at the end of this life blesses us with true success of Jannah to be filtered as pure in a process called Reality.

-Zohra Saman.




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